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September 16 – 18, 2024

– Virtual + One Hands-on Session (in person) –
Venue for Hands-on Session:
Lecture Theatre (Room 1020) of Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre, 2775 Laurel St, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9

Monday, September 16, 2024

Start End Presenter Title
7:40 7:50 Dr. Savvas Nicolaou/ Dr. Jonathon Leipsic WELCOME
Dr. Adnan Sheikh Musculoskeletal Imaging
7:50 8:00 Dr. Adnan Sheikh Welcome from Dr. Adnan Sheikh
8:00 8:30 Dr. Marcos Sampaio Pectoralis Major – MRI and US Approach
8:30 8:50 Dr. Leyla Yazdi Meniscal Tears and MRI of Postoperative Menisci
8:50 9:10 Dr. Bruce Forster Five Easy Steps that Will Make Shoulder MRA Your Favorite Study
9:10 9:30 Dr. Hugue Ouellette MR Hip and Cartilage Imaging with Surgical Correlation
9:30 9:50 Dr. Paul Mallinson MSK Infection
9:50 10:10 Dr. Luck Louis Approach to Knee Ultrasound
10:10 10:20 Dr. Adnan Sheikh Live Panel Discussion/Q&A
10:20 10:30 BREAK
Dr. Emily Pang Abdominal Imaging
10:30 10:40 Dr. Emily Pang Welcome from Dr. Emily Pang
10:40 11:10 Dr. Myra Feldman Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) Consensus: Screening for Endometriosis on Routine Pelvic Ultrasound
11:10 11:40 Dr. Myra Feldman Pelvic MR for Endometriosis: Lessons Learned from Multidisciplinary Rounds
11:40 12:00 Dr. Emily Pang Imaging of Gynecologic Surgical Complications
12:00 1:00 LUNCH BREAK 
1:00 1:20 Dr. Alison Harris Pancreatitis: Role of Imaging in Diagnosis and Management of Complications
1:20 1:40 Dr. Patrick Vos Perianal Fistula Imaging
1:40 2:00 Dr. Emily Pang Live Panel Discussion/Q&A
2:00 2:10 BREAK
Dr. James Roberts Cardiothoracic Imaging (Hands-on sessions will be in-person & please bring your own laptop and a 3-button mouse)
2:10 2:15 Dr. James Roberts Welcome from Dr. James Roberts
2:15 2:35 Dr. James Roberts Update on Cardiac MRI for the Radiologist
2:35 2:55 Dr. Jonathon Leipsic CCTA in 2024 – Stenosis, Plaque and Physiology
2:55 3:15 Dr. Dominik Fleischmann Update on Imaging of Acute Aortic Syndromes
3:15 3:30 Dr. James Roberts Live Panel Discussion/Q&A
3:30 3:40 BREAK
3:40 5:40 ALL Advanced Coronary Analysis and Fundamentals of TAVR CT Analysis  (Hands-on Demonstrations)
Sponsored by GE Healthcare

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Dr. Ren Yuan Oncologic Imaging
7:50 8:00 Dr. Ren Yuan Welcome from Dr. Ren Yuan
8:00 8:20 Dr. Maura Brown Lymphoma for Radiologists
8:20 8:45 Dr. Don Wilson Update from the Molecular Imaging and Therapy Program at BC Cancer
8:45 9:05 Dr. Wan Wan Yap Ovarian Cancer – Detection to Recurrence
9:05 9:25 Dr. Joseph Lau Radiopharmaceuticals Targeting Solid and Hematological Malignancies
9:25 9:45 Dr. Michael Peacock Update in the Management of Rectal Cancer – What Oncologists Need to Know from Radiologists?
9:45 10:10 Dr. Monty Martin Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
10:10 10:20 Dr. Ren Yuan Live Panel Discussion/Q&A
10:20 10:30 BREAK
Dr. Dennis Parhar Interventional Radiology
10:30 10:40 Dr. Dennis Parhar Welcome from Dr. Dennis Parhar
10:40 11:00 Dr. Ravjot Dhatt DVT and PE Intervention: An Update for Diagnostic Radiologists
11:00 11:20 Dr. Gerald Legiehn Venous Malformations: What the Diagnostic Radiologist Needs to Know
11:20 11:40 Dr. Harman Parhar Thyroid & Parathyroid: Surgical Management and What the Diagnostic Radiologist Needs to Know
11:40 12:00 Dr. Dennis Parhar Thyroid Ablation: Emerging Minimally Invasive Treatment for Thyroid Nodules
12:00 1:00 LUNCH BREAK
1:00 1:20 Dr. Aalia Sachedina Fibroids: the Gynecologist’s Perspective
1:20 1:40 Dr. Lindsay Machan Fibroid Imaging & Embolization
1:40 2:00 Dr. Nevin de Korompay Simplifying CTA Runoff – What the Clinician Wants to Know
2:00 2:10 Dr. Dennis Parhar Live Panel Discussion/ Q&A
Dr. Ismail Ali Emergency and Trauma Radiology
2:10 2:15 Dr. Ismail Ali Welcome from Dr. Ismail Ali
2:15 3:00 Dr. Waleed Abdellatif Dual Energy CT in The ED
3:00 3:20 Dr. Amit Katyan Fundamentals of Deep Neural Networks and Applications of AI in Emergency and Trauma Imaging
3:20 3:40 Dr. Nicolas Murray Complex Facial Fractures (Pearls for Easier Interpretation)
3:40 4:00 Dr. Padraic Kennedy “Beyond the Basics” Complicated Appendicitis and Diverticulitis
4:00 4:20 Dr. Parmiss Mojtabaie Heart Break and Thoracic Insults
4:20 4:40 Dr. Daniel Lyndon Spine Trauma (Surgical Management Perspective)
4:40 5:00 Dr. Ismail Ali  Live Panel Discussion/Q&A

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Start End Presenter Title
Dr. Lydia Bajno Pediatric Imaging
7:50 8:00 Dr. Lydia Bajno Welcome from Dr. Lydia Bajno
8:00 8:20 Dr. Daniel Rosenbaum Pediatric ACL: Tears, Repairs, and Despairs
8:20 8:40 Dr. Kenneth Cheung Pediatric Hepatic Imaging
8:40 9:00 Dr. Karen Lyons Pediatric Chest: Rings, Slings, and Other Things
9:00 9:20 Dr. Maka Tshuma The Picture Puzzle: Decoding the Enigma of Paediatric Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy through Imaging
9:20 9:40 Dr. Thomas Mendes Da Costa “No Touch” Bone Lesions
9:40 10:00 Dr. Brendon Graeber Bottomless Pits, Deceptive Dimples, and Other Hazards of Neonatal Spine Ultrasound
10:00 10:20 Dr. Lydia Bajno Live Panel Discussion/Q&A
10:20 10:30 BREAK
Dr. Talia Vertinsky Neuroradiology
10:30 10:40 Dr. Talia Vertinsky Welcome from Dr. Talia Vertinsky
10:40 11:10 Dr. Mari Hagiwara Conductive Hearing Loss
11:10 11:40 Dr. Mari Hagiwara Facial Nerve
11:40 12:00 Dr. Daniel Lyndon Post Traumatic Hearing Loss
12:00 12:30 LUNCH BREAK
12:30 12:55 Dr. Farahna Sabiq Perineural Spread
12:55 1:20 Dr. Monty Martin Oropharyngeal CA
1:20 1:40 Dr. Fabio Settecase Embolization for Neck & Extracranial Hemorrhage: Tales from the Crypt
1:40 2:00 Dr. Talia Vertinsky Live Panel Discussion/Q&A
2:00 Dr. Savvas Nicolaou Closing Remarks & Announcement of Quiz of the Day Winners

Learning Objectives

  • Review of general current interventional techniques, therapies, and imaging techniques geared toward the general radiologist or radiologists who perform limited general IR procedures who also utilize cross sectional imaging to image patients following general interventional techniques. In the full day session, Didactic lectures will enable attendees to gain familiarity with a wide variety of interventional techniques such as embolization procedures in treating active bleeding in acute trauma, ultrasound guided intervention, gynecologic intervention, embolization of tumours, MSK intervention, aortic stent graft placement techniques.
  • Review and optimize protocols, processing technique parameters, present diagnostic pearls and pitfalls for assessing neurological anatomy, function as they pertain to common cerebrovascular, spinal, sinonasal and tumour disease processes.
  • Review and assess protocols, techniques and how to optimize protocol parameters with MR, MDCT, Ultrasound as it pertains to the musculoskeletal system and apply these principles to disease processes such as musculoskeletal tumours, infections, arthritis, internal joint derangement and sport related injuries.
  • Review and apply current indications, protocols, imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging, MDCT, Ultrasound, and present diagnostic pearls and pitfalls assisting in the evaluation of common pediatric diseases and processes.
  • Review and evaluate current and new technological advances in thoracic and cardiac imaging and appropriate utilization of these imaging tools in assessing functional, anatomical information that is clinically relevant and being able to apply this knowledge effectively to daily clinical practice.
  • Strategies will also be introduced to reduce radiation dose for cardiac assessment without compromising image quality.
  • Review and apply current indications, protocols, imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging, MDCT, Ultrasound, and present diagnostic pearls and pitfalls assisting in the evaluation of common abdominal disease processes.
  • Review and assess current literature and how to optimize MDCT protocols and other imaging modalities to correctly manage emergency and trauma patients to ensure that the appropriate studies are performed in the correct order to minimize morbidity and mortality in the acute setting. Review imaging findings in emergency/ trauma conditions including patterns of cervical spinal injury, blunt vascular neck injury, pancreatic/ duodenal trauma, acute chest pain, blunt abdominal trauma.
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